The Foundation

We are thankful every day for the inspirational legacy of George Heriot's charitable vision.

George Heriot founded the school in 1628 to provide an education for Edinburgh’s faitherless bairns. His vision of ‘distributing chearfullie’ of generosity, of kindness and of support has enabled generations of children to benefit directly from the generosity of the Heriot’s Foundation, in fact over 5,700 children.

All of us are better off for belonging to a school that cares.

The Foundation provides supported education to the children of widows and widowers who live in Edinburgh and the Lothians, Fife, the Scottish Borders and Central Scotland. We currently have 54 Foundationers at the school – this number may adjust yearly.

Support with essential costs for a Foundationer to attend Heriot’s is available. Uniform, school trips and books are provided, and help with the cost of extra-curricular activities that incur a charge may be available. A support network is in place for Foundation families.

Children applying for a Foundation place sit the usual entrance assessment. Residential and financial criteria apply. Current Heriot’s pupils are eligible to apply to the Foundation in the event of the death of a parent. Learn more about Foundation places and other assistance with fees.

In 2015, we launched our Foundation400 campaign to secure the future of the Heriot’s Foundation in perpetuity. Our target is to raise £15 million by 2059, when the school will celebrate its 400th anniversary. If you are considering how you might support our Foundation, please visit Foundation400.