When George Heriot left a bequest to found a school for orphaned boys in 1624, he set in place a Foundation to fund the education of children who had lost a parent. Since the mid 17th century, over 5,600 pupils who fit the qualifying financial and geographical criteria have received a fully-funded education at Heriot’s.
In 2015, the School launched its Foundation400 campaign, to secure the future of the Heriot’s Foundation in perpetuity. The target is to raise £15 million in line with the School’s 400 year anniversary.
Through the Foundation, we are able to offer financial support packages to attend Heriot’s, for Edinburgh children who have been bereaved of a parent and have passed our academic assessment. Foundation places are available from P6 entry upwards, and are means-tested to ensure that we support families in substantial financial need.
Five per cent of Heriot’s pupils are Foundationers.
It costs Heriot’s more than £900,000 to fund Foundation places each year, which comes from school fees and from donations and legacies. Fee income is also needed to realise the development plans that reinforce Heriot’s reputation as one of Scotland’s finest schools.
Endowing the Foundation with £15 million will ensure that all fee income can be invested in the school in future.
Your gift can help us to ensure that Heriot’s remains a school like no other. Donations of every size help to preserve the Foundation and its charitable purpose, enabling us to support future generations of bereaved children.
There are many ways to make a gift, including a one off or regular donation, a legacy payment in your will, sponsorship of a specific fund raising initiative, giving of stocks, shares or land, or giving in kind through mentoring or work experience support. Whatever you can give, not matter if it is large or small, it will be gratefully received. Each donation helps make a difference.
To make a gift to the campaign please go to our secure online link: Donate to Foundation400.
Read more about our campaign for the Heriot’s Foundation in our Foundation400 booklet.
If you’d like to discuss the campaign, or find out more about making a gift, please email our Development Office
You may prefer to make a donation to Heriot’s to help the school to plan for future developments and financial aid (other than Foundation places). Find out about giving to Heriot’s.