Heriot’s provides the educational context and a caring environment in which pupils can mature, ready for the challenge of the exam years ahead. Senior 1 is one of our main entry points for new pupils joining Heriot’s.
Pupils explore a breadth of subjects, studying 16 courses in Senior 1, with a few more subjects added in Senior 2. Games, Physical Education and Citizenship classes are also taken in both years. English, Mathematics and Modern Languages are taught in sets, with an average set size of 22 pupils. For all practical subjects, teaching groups are limited to 20 pupils.
Subjects are organised in blocks in Senior 1 and 2, with some subjects studied on a rota basis. To see the range of subjects typically available, please download our Admissions Infobook.
Every pupil has a Class Teacher for morning registration, and a Guidance Teacher, who keeps an eye on each child’s progress and can provide help where required. When pupils begin to make their subject choices for Senior 3, our Careers Team is on hand to provide one-to-one guidance. Pupils choose subjects from those already studied in Senior 1 and 2, with the addition of some new options.
Academic success is not our sole focus; Heriot’s believes in educating the whole child. Citizenship classes help to develop self-esteem and confidence, positive attitudes and a sense of belonging. Extra-curricular activities open the door to new interests, friendship groups and challenges. We invite all Senior 1 pupils to a Societies Fair early in the session so they can see what’s on offer.
Residential trips take place in both Senior 1 and 2. In Senior 1, the year group goes away early in the session, to help pupils old and new to bond. Senior 2 pupils have a week of adventures in Aviemore as part of Activities Week, a highlight of summer term in the Senior School. Activities Week in Senior 1 involves cultural, sporting and health-related activities close to home.