Entry points

Heriot's welcomes new pupils to almost every year group, with most children joining in Primary 1, Primary 6, Primary 7 or Senior 1.

We welcome new pupils to almost every year group, with admission based upon satisfactory performance in an entrance assessment.

Nursery admissions

Nursery places are offered on a first-come, first-served basis, with priority given to siblings where possible (please note we cannot guarantee that we can offer siblings a place). We also strive to achieve a gender balance.

Nursery places are allocated a year before children are due to start. Places for August 2024 have been allocated. Places for August 2025 will be allocated in September 2024.

While it is hoped that Nursery pupils will move up to the Junior School, entry is competitive and a place in Primary 1 is not guaranteed.

Junior School admissions

Primary 1

Primary 1 is a main intake year. We use group and individual assessments, lasting about 30–40 minutes, to determine admission. Every effort is made to ensure that children feel relaxed and enjoy the experience. Assessments take place in January for entry in the August.

Primary 2

We can usually offer a small number of places in Primary 2, with entrance assessments held in January.

Primary 3, 4 and 5

While we do not take new classes at these stages we can generally offer a small number of places in each year group. Entrance assessments for the Middle Primary years involve tests covering English, Mathematics and Problem Solving and take place in November. Children also spend time working on group tasks and are interviewed. It is helpful if applications for entry to these years can be received by early November at the latest, where possible.

Primary 6 and 7

We add new classes at Primary 6 and 7, both of which are important entry points. Entrance assessments in November involve tests in English, Mathematics and Reasoning. Children also spend time working on group tasks and are interviewed. It is helpful if applications for entry to these years can be received by early November at the latest, where possible.

Senior School admissions

Senior 1

Entrance assessments for this key entry point are held in January. Children spend the day at Heriot’s, sitting tests which cover English, Mathematics and Reasoning. The children have a chance to meet one another during fun group activities, as well as members of the teaching staff and Senior School Leadership Team during a short interview. Many candidates feel nervous when they arrive but as our aim is to ensure a good experience, most end up enjoying the day, especially the group activities.

Senior 2, 3 and 5

We welcome applications for Senior 3 and Senior 5 and can sometimes offer a few places in Senior 2. For curricular reasons, we do not admit new pupils to Senior 4. All applicants sit papers which cover English, Mathematics and Reasoning, and meet with members of staff for a short interview and to discuss their curricular needs. Entrance Assessments for Senior 2, 3 and 5, take place in January.

Senior 6

A number of new pupils join us for Senior 6, which Heriot’s does rather differently to other schools. Entry is by interview with the Principal/Head of Senior School and a member of the Pastoral Care Team. Application to Senior 6 can be made out with the usual deadline, subject to space availability. Please contact the Admissions Office for further information.