
George Heriot's has been recognised and accredited for its hard work, which directly reflects the ethos of George Heriot and is the embodiment of the school motto, i Distribute Chearfullie

Refined over 400 years of educating Scotland’s children, George Heriot’s School delivers quality in its teaching and learning. We take the core components of the Curriculum for Excellence and infuse them with academic rigour, a Rights Respecting charter and our gold standard, award winning approach to teaching Philosophy.

 This educational blend demarks our school: last year Heriot’s was voted The Sunday Times ‘Scottish Independent School of the Decade’ and in 2021 we were awarded ‘Independent School of the Year’ by Independent School Parent Magazine from a field of 700 UK schools.

Independent School of the Year 2021
Scottish Independent School of the Decade
Eco-Schools Green Flag Award
SAPERE Gold Award
UK Parliament Teacher Ambassador Gold Award
UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools' Award
We Care: Schools for Young Carers Recognising Award