The pupil-led service included a welcome from Alastair Morrison, Head of Junior School and an address from Duncan Cuthill, CEO of Edinburgh City Mission. We watched our Nursery pupils enjoying some outdoor autumnal learning, P1 pupils reciting “The Little Red Hen” poem and readings from our Primary 6 pupils.
We welcomed Duncan, Chief Executive of Edinburgh City Mission to speak about the fantastic work the mission do within the community. Edinburgh City Mission run ‘Basics Banks’ which provide food for people going through a period of food crisis. ‘Soul Food’; a weekly meal for homeless people and others who need the service, and their ‘Care Van’ which goes out and provides a hot drink and takeaway meal for homeless people.
Duncan was delighted by the display of all of the donations from our Junior School pupils and wanted to thank all of our pupils for their generosity.
“Food is such a central part of our lives, it’s hard for us to imagine what it would be like not to have food on the table. But, people sometimes go through a particularly difficult stage in life, where they don’t have any food and the Edinburgh City Mission help these people for a period of time.” – Duncan Cuthill.
Thank you to all of our JS pupils for all of their kind donations, certainly distributing chearfullie. As Duncan mentioned, thank you all for caring for others at this time of year.
Autumn Time – recited by Isla (Primary 6)