Acceptance Fee Payment

  • In order to accept the place your child has been offered, please complete, sign and return the Acceptance Form enclosed in your offer pack. Please return the form to the Admissions Office by the date specified in your Offer letter. If you have more than one child starting at George Heriot's, please complete, sign and return a form for each.

    Below is a payment gateway for you to pay the Acceptance Fee of £250 to acknowledge formal acceptance of your offer of a place for your child at George Heriot's School (if you have more than one child starting at George Heriot's, please pay £250 per child). Please use your child’s name and year group for reference.

    If the completed Acceptance Form and payment are not received by the date specified in your Offer letter, the offer of a place at the School shall be deemed to have been declined and the offer shall be withdrawn