Once a Herioter, always a Herioter

Once a Herioter, always a Herioter

Every former pupil belongs to an extended family of Herioters, connected across the globe and across generations. The community provides a strong network, encouraging former pupils to keep in touch and share skills and experiences with others.

Jac Pentland, Herioter President said:
“Heriots is a family and, even though after leaving school we head off into the big wide world, we remain part of that extended family. You will find us spread across the planet but once a Herioter, always a Herioter! It’s so easy to stay in touch and continue to be part of this community; by coming along to class reunions, contacting the Development Team, joining local or international groups of former pupils, following Herioters Connected on Facebook or even offering mentorship and career guidance to school leavers. I am heartened by our collective enthusiasm to continue to ‘distribute cheerfullie’ by forging links between one another and developing a supportive worldwide family of Herioters.”

Join our virtual Open Morning on Saturday 25 September and see what it is like to be part of the Heriot’s community.

The Development team is delighted to hear from former pupils: development@george-heriots.com