Thinking Thursday Blog

Last Thursday was the final #thinkingthursday question for this term. The Learning Enhancement Department asked: “Can you think about nothing?” Read a sample of the answers received below:

“No, because when you are thinking about nothing, nothing is something.” Cora

“I don’t think you can think about nothing at all because if you try to think about nothing at all, you will still be thinking about not thinking at all!” India-Rose

“I think that you can think nothing because when you are in deep sleep your brain doesn’t really do any thinking.” Socrates

“I don’t think that you can think about nothing because when you try to, you think about thinking about nothing, which is quite confusing!” Freya

“I don’t think you can think about nothing at all, because if you are human it is impossible as we are always worrying about something, trying to remember something or simply just thinking. We might not know we are thinking about so much because we have so many thoughts crammed in our head.” Amelia

“I think that it is impossible to think about nothing at all because if you attempt to think about nothing at all then you are thinking about trying to think about nothing at all. Also the human brain is full of so many experiences, thoughts and so on that it is impossible to almost turn of the thinking part of the human brain, you would have to close you eyes and cover your ears because when your senses are working then the brain has to process what it is seeing, hearing etc.” Mylo

“I think you have to think about something or the other because thoughts are like bubbles they float past then pop and then by that time another floats by, even when you are sleeping, you are thinking about something which gives you a dream.” Sanika

“I don’t think it is possible because your mind controls everything; your emotions, your actions , your thoughts and your words.” Lola

“I think it is impossible to think about nothing because your brain is always sorting out bits of information and even when you are meditating you are thinking about that.” Izzy

“Yes because meditation helps you to clear your mind of worries and stress.” Aidan

“I tried to think about nothing at all but it didn’t work because you are thinking about nothing but you actually are thinking about it.” Cleo

“I don’t think so as I’m always thinking. I think when I speak and I even think when I sleep, that’s what my dreams are.” Sophie

“No! We have to think to be smart.” Abdul

“It’s impossible to think about nothing because my mind is too colourful and magical.” Lauren

“Some people can and some people can’t. My sister can but I can’t. I find it super hard to stop thinking, I can only do it when I’m sleeping.” Rowan

We will be back next term with some more #thinkingthursday questions.