Some Nursery pupils had a brilliant morning visiting Corstorphine Woods with Mr Weir-Addie, Junior School Outdoor Learning Co-ordinator, this week. After a short journey in the minibus singing Jingle Bells (?!?), they arrived at our destination and began exploring the environment around them.
They started by looking at the different types of bark on trees and had to decide if it was rough or smooth. On the way to the top of the hill, there were lots of ‘under’ and ‘over’ challenges, could we wriggle under logs and branches, or could we climb over them? After a quick snack stop of hot squash and a biscuit the children played follow my leader with each child taking the lead, and then made shapes using fir cones.
The bus journey on the way back was slightly quieter, although they did manage a great rendition of The Wheels on the Bus.
This fantastic morning trip is testament to the fabulous location in the centre of Edinburgh. Thank you to all the teachers who helped out!