Heriot’s is delighted to be awarded  the SAPERE Gold Award for the teaching of P4C (Philosophy).

Sapere Gold Award

George Heriot’s is the only school in Scotland to have achieved this award. There are  19 Gold Award schools in England.

The examiner said ‘George Heriot’s is an outstanding and unique example of how P4C has the potential to transform a school. I was impressed by the unusually large team of well-trained and highly experienced P4C facilitators in the Learning Enhancement Department. This team has been as an incredible on-site training and coaching resource and is testament to the fact that P4C is now embedded across many areas of the curriculum and ethos of the school. The leadership of P4C is exceptional and I would strongly suggest that George Heriot’s consider how they might further develop their P4C leadership role as a hub for SAPERE P4C training in Scotland. I look forward to sharing the assessment visit in more detail in my report to follow’.