George Heriot’s School sees the promotion of positive mental and physical health in students as a top priority. Throughout school, if a child/young person experiences difficulties the teachers, guidance staff and senior leaders work with them and their families to manage what is happening. A number of staff are trained in Mental Health First Aid and we have an Educational Psychologist on site. If necessary, we liaise closely with external services, signposting children and their families to the most suitable support. Through these partnerships we co-ordinate support plans that seek to help young people deal with a range of mental health issues.
There are many signs which indicate that a young person is experiencing mental or emotional health issues.
As part of our curriculum, we destigmatize attitudes to mental health and teach all children about the value of looking after your emotional health. We also engage with parents/carers to manage anxiety, build self-esteem and promote resilience by raising children and teens with confidence.
At George Heriot’s School we believe that everyone should ‘Love Your Mind’ and be kind to yourself and others.