Eco Schools Flag

Heriot’s has been awarded their 7th Eco-Schools Green Flag Award.

The Eco-Schools Green Flag is an internationally recognised award for excellence in environmental action and learning. We are so proud of all of our pupils, staff and the local community that have been getting involved with our Eco-Schools Journey.

Well done to our staff and pupils for sharing innovative ideas that have been implemented to support our learners towards a greener future! Some of the deciding priorities at GHS include:

Pupil Council

All registration classes in the Junior School and the Senior School elect a class representative, who takes their ideas and opinions to meetings, including ideas to develop environmental initiatives.

Eco Club & EARTH 

Eco Club (JS) and The Environmental Action Research Team at Heriot’s (SS) meet each week and discuss ideas, then initiate, implement and evaluate projects e.g. for improvements in the Refectory, coordinating collections of recycling, letters to the Governors of the school and to MSPs.

Participation in EARTH has significantly increased since the Climate Strikes in 2019, with more than 20 pupils attending each week. Involvement in the ‘Disrupting Education for a Sustainable Future’ in May 2020 gave staff and pupils more ideas for embedding sustainability at Heriot’s.

Staff and Pupil Surveys 

Surveys were carried out with a focus at improving and embedding LfS in the curriculum. We found that it is embedded in many areas, but this was an excellent tool to focus on priorities moving forward.

A few examples of what has been going on this last year:

Staff and pupils were encouraged to take part in the Marine Conservation Society’s Great British Beach Clean in Sept 2020.

Emma (S1) noticed the covid issue of single-use facemark litter, and decided to collect 150 dropped/discarded face masks in just 2 hours.

The school grounds have been used in a variety of ways to observe nature and the Junior School Eco Club challenged themselves to reduce their water use at home.