Christmas Present Donation

Give to Charity, instead of giving Christmas presents.

Heriot’s Lollipop man, Mr Ralston kindly asked that the parents did not give him gifts at Christmas time, but if they so wished to make a donation to the Edinburgh City Mission.

We are delighted by the response and the kind donations from Heriot’s parents and have managed to raise £1,604 for the Edinburgh City Mission, a Christian Charitable organisation who engage in poverty relief in Edinburgh and the surrounding area.

Mr Ralston added:

“In these difficult times, I was glad to have the opportunity to be able to pass on something to a ”local” organisation committed to providing practical help to those less fortunate. This extends to food, meeting for a coffee, or just offering a listening ear – irrespective of belief or outlook. George Heriots originated as a charitable school – years later it is still ”Distributing Chearfullie” !

Mr Morrison, Head of the Junior School, added:

“We’re thrilled at the success of this venture. Thank you very much, once again, for such a thoughtful gesture.”

Definitely distributing chearfullie, well done Mr Ralston!