April 2024 Education Scotland visits George Heriot’s School

Ensuring wellbeing, equality and inclusion: Excellent

‘The School has sector leading approaches to ensuring inclusion and equality for children and young people.’

‘The wellbeing of children, young people, their families and staff is at the heart of all actions across the school’.

‘Children are empowered to be agents of change as they are proud to be part of a highly inclusive environment’.

All children and young people demonstrate exemplary behaviour. They are polite, confident and highly engaged in all aspects of their learning.

‘Young people feel safe, happy and have every opportunity to learn and thrive.’

The innovative approaches to promoting inclusion and equality is an outstanding aspect of the School’s work.

Education Scotland Inspection


Raising attainment and achievement: Excellent

‘In the Junior School, Children’s attainment in literacy and numeracy is outstanding. Children across the Junior School demonstrate a love of reading.’

‘The achievements of children and young people within and beyond the school are outstanding.’

‘Young people’s overall attainment in their National Qualifications is outstanding.’

‘Children and young people are thriving and developing an extensive range of communication, teamwork and leadership skills through their participation and contribution to a highly commendable co-curricular programme.’

Education Scotland Inspection


Teaching, learning and assessment: Very good

’Children and young people are highly motivated and have a great respect for learning. They are proud of their school and enjoy positive relationships with staff and their peers’.


Education Scotland Inspection


Leadership of change: Very good

George Heriot’s School was established to provide education to ‘faitherless bairns’ from the city of Edinburgh. This ethos, philanthropy and philosophy continue to remain the foundation of the Heriot’s community. GHS’s charitable foundation has provided free education for over 5,500 children and young people who have lost a parent since its inception.

The School’s founding motto of ‘I distribute chearfullie’ is evident across the work of Heriot’s and defines its charitable purpose. The school community demonstrate kindness, care, compassion and respect very well. Heriot is a welcoming, warm, and inclusive environment for learning’.

‘Strategic leadership (in equality, inclusion and diversity) is sector leading and having an outstanding impact on the outcomes of children and young people at GHS.’

Education Scotland Inspection