Next on the blog we have Jonah Theurer
Please get in touch if you wish to share your story ‘after Heriot’s’.
What is your current role?
Lead brewer for the Edinburgh Beer Factory. Also work part time as a magician!
What was your journey to get there?
I was interested in magic from a very early age. I started to learn through the Duke of Edinburgh award at school. As part of that award, you are required to learn a skill, and I chose magic. Through a family friend, I was lucky enough to initially get taught by a magician. From there my passion kept on growing until (after a good few years of practice) I was ready to perform at events. This for me, after school, was my ambition, to become a full-time professional magician. However this changed quickly during the Covid-19 outbreak as all performing events were cancelled and I decided I needed a different career path.
I chose to go back to university, and during the pandemic I studied a Masters degree at Heriot Watt in Brewing and Distilling. While writing my dissertation, I got offered a job as a cidermaker for Thistly Cross, a company owned by Lynne and John Dunsmore (former Heriot’s parents). 6 months into this role, they moved me from Thistly Cross in Dunbar to the Edinburgh Beer Factory (their other company) which was then at Sighthill in Edinburgh. This was a dream job for me because during my masters as I fell in love with brewing beer (with lots of practice in my garage at home!). Since then, I am now the lead brewer for the Edinburgh Beer Factory and we have just moved the whole brewery down to Dunbar to be on the same site with Thistly Cross’s production. I still occasionally perform magic part-time at various events such as weddings, birthdays and school balls.
What are your achievements?
Achieving Distinction in my Masters degree and receiving the Dr. Chris Greig Prize. This is awarded to the Scottish student who demonstrates the most effort in Brewing and Distilling MSc.
Being accepted into the Aberdeen Magic Circle and the Karl Le Fong Gathering- This is a gathering for highly skilled magicians and card handlers which requires an audition.
What are your favourite memories of Heriot’s?
Captaining the school First XV.
Many of the incredible school trips, especially water-sports in France and the 6th year trip to Berlin.
Performing magic for my year at the “Last Hurrah”, an evening for pupils and parents as part of the 6th year activities week. Including some teachers as my glamorous assistants!
Any top tips for current pupils when planning their future?
Don’t feel pressured into finding a career path early on. I was 25 before I figured out what I wanted to do.
Heriot’s provides you with amazing opportunities and gives you the perfect platform to try and experiment with many different career paths and hobbies. So don’t be afraid of trying different things.