Woman in Engineering

Engineering News

Congratulations to Hannah Butcher and Amy Mellish-Johnson, both S2, for being selected for the Strathclyde University Young WEIR-WISE: Discovering Engineering with S2 Girls outreach programme.

Due to a disproportionate number of males to females in Engineering degree courses, Strathclyde University Faculty of Engineering have teamed up with the Weir Group to run this exciting programme for S2 Girls.

“Young WEIR-WISE: Discovering Engineering with S2 Girls, is designed to inspire young female students to discover the excitement and personal satisfaction behind a career in engineering through participation in team-based challenges,” according to Strathclyde University website.

S2 girls from all around the country submitted applications, giving information about themselves, their interests and explaining why they would enjoy a career in Engineering.

Over 500 applications were received with only 100 places to be filled, and we are delighted to see two spots being earned by Heriot’s girls.

More information about the programme can be found here.