The Modern Languages Department are running a ‘Verb of the Month’ Competition for pupils to take part in this year. Each month, the pupils are given the translation of a verb, with the aim for them to come up with a sentence including this verb.
With hundreds of pupils studying five different languages at Heriot’s, there really is an option for everyone.
Italian: “The most important thing in life is to learn how to fall.”
French: “Stalactites were falling all around me, the roof was caving in, then I was trapped with no way out.”
Mandarin: “The rain was falling heavily one afternoon. Daming finished work. Because he had no umbrella, he was determined to take a taxi.”
German: “Since it is Autumn, the beautifully coloured leaves fall from the nearly bare trees.”
Spanish: “Words fall from her mouth before she can avoid it.”
You can view this month’s winners below.