At the end of term 1, the Art and Design Department traditionally hold an Art and Design Exhibition. This allows Parents to view the first folio of work of the SQA Certificate Classes. In December 2021 we were not able to invite Parents into school.
We decided therefore to photograph a sample of work-in-progress from each of our certificate years to put out an online slideshow from S3 to S6. We held off our presentation of this work until January to bring some cheer to this month and add to the ‘Joy in January’ theme being embraced throughout the school.
We have sent the link to the display of work to all Senior School parents to allow our younger Senior School pupils an opportunity to see Art and Design in Senior Years.
Do remember that this is work in progress, we simply want to celebrate the success of pupils’ work so far and hope that a live exhibition of work can take place in third term ahead of the SQA marking process. If not, expect to receive more online, and at that time, we will include our younger year groups too.