Best Drum Corp at Gourock Highland Games
Congratulations to the Pipe Bands on their prize-winning efforts in the first outdoor competition of the season, held at Battery Park, Gourock on Sunday 12 May. Our Novice Juvenile Band were runners-up in the Juvenile Grade and placed 6th in the Novice Grade. The highlight of the day was the award of ‘Best Drum Corp’ in the Novice A/Grade 4A event.
Very well done to all who participated, particularly those who made their competition debut.
The next events for the Pipe Band are the Scottish Schools’ CCF Beating Retreat at Edinburgh Castle and Holyrood Palace on the evenings of 21 and 22 May respectively.
The next competition will be the Innerleithen Pipe Band Championships on Saturday 1 June, with all three Heriot’s bands taking part.
Ryan (S3) received the trophy for the Best Corps prize.