This week is Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week. The theme of this week is ‘Express yourself’, encouraging children and adults to find time to express themselves and the creative ways that we can share our thoughts, our feelings and our ideas. This could be through poetry, dancing, art, writing or music.
Congratulations to Violinist, Alexis (S4) who has been accepted to play with the Symphony National Youth Orchestra of Scotland this year. Clara (S3) successfully auditioned and was also selected to play Pedal Harp in the NYOS. Clara’s sister Brigette, has also been selected for the reserve list.
In the Junior School, Eirene (P5) auditioned and has been selected to play Violin in the NYOS Junior Orchestra this year.
Alexis (S4) shares her rendition of the first variation from Chopin’s Variations Brilliantes Op.12.
Lucy (S4) shares her rendition of ‘Caro Mio Ben’ by Giordani.