On Wednesday 18 December, S4 Geographers and their teachers gained a fascinating insight in to how satellite data is being developed and used by Astrosat, an earth observation and remote sensing company based in Musselburgh. Astrosat are developing satellite data to aid understanding of diverse environmental and social problems, including deforestation in Guatemala, land cover change in Scotland, fuel poverty and homelessness in the UK and disaster response in Vietnam.
Andrew Fournet, a Business Analyst at Astrosat, highlighted the real-world applications of some N5 Geography course material, connections between a wide range of subject areas, and advised pupils to find what they are good at and develop it.
Thank you to Andrew for taking the time to come in to school at this busy time of year, and to Mrs Watson-Massey for helping us to organise it. More details about Astrosat and their exciting projects can be found here: