The Army Section attend a centralised training camp at Barry Buddon Training Camp, in Angus, which brought together hundreds of cadets from around the UK. The cadets took part in numerous exciting activities, including skill at arms and range work, paintballing, sports, drill and navigation. They also lived and ate out in the field on a 36-hour exercise.
The Company received great plaudits from the Commanding Officer and lifted trophies for shooting and rill competitions.
In July cadets from the RAF section attended summer camp at RAF Lossiemouth learning about the different RAF roles. This included visits to the Typhoon and Poseidon squadrons, RAF police and the base fire station.
In addition to our main camp, some of the cadets attended training camps. One of our cadet corporals attended the Air Cadet Leadership Course, passing with distinction. Three cadets attended Drill and Ceremonial Camp. This week long intensive course (of up to 12 hours a day) includes progressive drill training and assessments. Finally, four cadets were chosen to attend the National Air and Space Camp. This camp provides cadets workshops, training and experience in cyber, space and air. Activities included helicopter flights, gliding and a careers fair with experts from the aeronautical, engineering and cyber industries.