Uniform List

Our blue blazers should only ever be a welcome sight across the city.

Heriot’s pupils represent the school whenever they are in uniform. We want our young people to be polite, behave well, look smart and take pride in a well turned-out appearance. Our blue blazers should only ever be a welcome sight across the city.

Pupils must wear the full, correct school uniform. Some items are compulsory, but many others are entirely optional. Certain items must be purchased from our approved supplier Stevensons or second-hand from the Heriot’s Thrift Shop.


Heriot’s Thrift Shop

The Thrift Shop sells good quality, second-hand uniform items and games kit for most school sports at very reasonable prices.

The Thrift Shop sells:

  • all items of current school uniform (except school shoes)
  • school sports kit – including rugby/hockey/football boots and hockey sticks
  • school activity kit – e.g., judo suits, games bags, dance shoes, riding boots, Combined Cadet Force (CCF) boots, ski wear
  • outdoor gear for Duke of Edinburgh’s Award expeditions and outdoor activities – e.g., walking boots, cagoules

You can sell on uniform that is no longer needed (you will receive 75% of the sales price on items priced £5 or more). The proceeds of any donated items will benefit the school.

The Thrift Shop is in the Cricket Pavilion at Goldenacre. It is open on Saturdays in term time from 9.15am to 11.45am, as long as games fixtures are being played. If bad weather stops play, the Thrift Shop will not open.

New volunteers are always welcome. You will be asked for no more than one morning of your time per term. In return, you can get to know the Heriot’s community a little better.

Any questions? You can email us at thriftshop@george-heriots.com
